joannieelfia Posté(e) le 8 mai 2016 Posté(e) le 8 mai 2016 bonjour j'ai un pc portable compaq presario cq57 je dois appuyer sur la touche f12 afin d'allumer la wifi or cette touche est devenue orange sans raison je n'arrive pas à reparer cela merci d'avance
Le Crabe Posté(e) le 9 mai 2016 Posté(e) le 9 mai 2016 Salut @joannieelfia, quelle version de Windows as-tu ? Je suis allé voir sur les forums US, voici ceux qui ont réussis à résoudre le même problème que toi : Citation Hi, i just recently got this also that my button was just orange. Was thinking to do all thoose troubleshooting but found a fix for it directly in windows 8. Go to the right-bottom screen to get up the Panel press on settings At the bottom it says "change computer settings" Click on that. Now you see alot of settings you can change, press on wireless. Here you can turn ON / Off your wireless. Since Compaq CQ58 ( same with CQ56) have a wireless button it just activates the "air plane mode" not the wirless ON/OFF setting ( when it is in orange mode ) untill you change this in windows 8 to ON This was my problem and could solve yours Citation Taking the charger off and removing battery worked!!!
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